These 5 Signs Prove You Were Destined to Lead People

Leadership isn’t just a skill you develop—it can also be a natural calling, something deeply ingrained from the start. While many people grow into leadership roles, some are clearly destined to lead from the beginning. How can you tell if you are one of those people? Certain signs indicate you were born to guide, inspire, and influence others. Recognizing these traits in yourself can be the first step in embracing your leadership potential.

As an executive leadership coach, I’ve helped countless individuals uncover their innate leadership abilities and refine their skills to lead with impact. Here are five signs that prove you are destined to lead others:

You Naturally Take Initiative

From an early age, you’ve likely found yourself stepping up when something needs to be done. Whether organizing a group project in school or leading a team at work, you don’t wait for others to take charge—you instinctively assume responsibility. This natural tendency to take initiative strongly indicates that you were destined to lead. Instead of waiting for direction, you see what needs to be done and take action.

You Inspire Others to Follow

One of the clearest signs of a natural leader is the ability to inspire and influence others. You’ve noticed that people tend to look to you for guidance and trust your judgment. This influence isn’t about authority or power; it’s about the respect and confidence you’ve earned. When people are drawn to your vision and willingly follow your lead, it’s a testament to your inherent leadership qualities.

You Thrive in Problem-Solving

Leaders often face challenges that require quick thinking and effective solutions. If you find that you thrive in situations where others might struggle, this is a strong sign that you were meant to lead. Your ability to remain calm under pressure, analyze situations, and develop creative solutions demonstrates a natural aptitude for leadership. You see problems as opportunities to showcase your strengths rather than shy away from them.

You Have a Strong Sense of Empathy

Empathy is a cornerstone of effective leadership. If you naturally understand and connect with others’ emotions, you possess one of the most critical qualities of a great leader. You genuinely care about the well-being of those around you, and this compassion allows you to build strong, trusting relationships. Leading with empathy and fairness fosters loyalty and respect from your team.

You’re Driven by a Sense of Purpose

Great leaders are motivated by more than just personal success; they are driven by a deep sense of purpose. If you feel a strong calling to make a difference, impact the lives of others, and contribute to something greater than yourself, this is a clear sign that you were destined to lead. Your purpose fuels your passion, and this passion is what inspires and motivates those around you. Leaders with a clear vision and commitment to making a lasting impact stand out as truly exceptional.

If you recognize these signs in yourself, it’s time to embrace your leadership potential. Being destined to lead means you have the natural qualities that inspire, guide, and influence others. However, natural talent alone isn’t enough—you must also cultivate and hone these skills to become the leader you were meant to be.

Lead From Within: True leaders don’t wait for permission—they embrace their calling, nurture it, and let it guide them to make a lasting impact.


#1 N A T I O N A L  B E S T S E L L E R

The Leadership Gap
What Gets Between You and Your Greatness

After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.

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Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

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