What’s your first reaction when you confront a problem?
Do you….
Identify it
define it
examine it
analyze it
seek solutions?
I want to ask you to try something NEW.
As a leader you are used to solving problems, I am to suggest don’t solve your biggest problems.
Recently, while conducting a workshop, I sat at a table with a group of intelligent leaders who were tackling a problem. As the trainer, it was my job to keep the group engaged in critical and strategic thinking.
But this group was stuck—stuck in their ideas, discussion, dialogue, and conversation. We were approaching the 45-minute mark, and they were just going around in circles.
I said, “Everyone, let’s stop this discussion. We’re taking a break. Put down your pens, leave your phones, and let’s get out of here.”
I had prepared by bringing some sports equipment. Excited as kids at a chance to play outside, they were quickly caught up in a rousing game of wiffle ball.
By the time I called them back in a short time later, everyone was relaxed and enjoying themselves. Even before they had a chance to sit down, I asked, “How do we tackle this issue? What do we do next?”
And it all came together. They had a direction, and they were all in agreement.
This is not news for anyone who has done coaching or consulting with teams. Taking a break is good science.
[quote]People who have been distracted perform better on a complex problem-solving task than those who put in nonstop conscious effort.[/quote]
So the next time you have a thorny problem:
- Don’t tackle it.
- Don’t keep identifying it.
- Don’t examine it to death.
- Don’t keep coming up with strategies.
- Don’t keep gathering information.
Take a break and allow your mind to rest. Find something to do. Distract yourself.
When you come back you will see your problems and issues with fresh eyes. In just a few minutes, you can reach new breakthroughs, new reactions, new ways of looking at things. Allow your conscious mind to relax and you will find a better, faster, smarter way to approach your problem.
Now imagine the increase in problem solving that could occur if your team, or your whole organization, started to apply this principle.
There are so many things we have misunderstood about the mind.
As someone who believes in leading from within, I am a big advocate of letting the mind rest and allowing the heart to speak.
And as someone who is always looking for insight, I suspect that letting go of what we know—of our need to always be solving, analyzing, defining—can lead us to new identifications, new solutions, and new meaning.
Lets give our minds a break and let our hearts speak with fortitude.
Lead from within: The next time you are up against a problem you can’t solve, the next time you feel stuck, let it go and distract yourself.
The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.
Additional Reading you might enjoy:
- 12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Grow Old
- A Leadership Manifesto: A Guide To Greatness
- How to Succeed as A New Leader
- 12 of The Most Common Lies Leaders Tell Themselves
- 4 Proven Reasons Why Intuitive Leaders Make Great Leaders
- The One Quality Every Leader Needs To Succeed
- The Deception Trap of Leadership
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
30. Apr, 2013
Excellent post, Lolly.
Yes, the longer we stew over an issue that seems to have no recolution, the more likely we are to believe that there is no answer, and rehash the same solutions over and over. We live in a driven society, and so we have lost touch with the need to play, make down time, step away and come back with fresh eyes and with rested and invigorated neurons.
This playtime that you devised also helps us see outside of our siloed thinkig. There is always more than one way to solve a dilemma, and if you look at what other people are doing around you, you will often stumble upon some new way of viewing things.
And, whiffle ball? What a great idea. Its the type of game that also takes the need for competition down a couple of notches.
02. Jun, 2013
That’s great post and this open my mind.
Muange Emmanuel
13. Jul, 2015
Hahahaaa…This is well dissected Martina,great post lolly dascal
30. Apr, 2013
What a treat to see your insights on my articles. I always look forward to reading them.
It is true what you say the longer we stew the more lost we can become.
D I S T R A C T Y O U R S E L F.
the best way to move forward is to stop moving in the same direction.
Come back with new vision and new energy.
Tempella Guernsey
30. Apr, 2013
I hate when others view ME as THE problem to solve. Those relationships quickly go south when that mindset prevails.
Brian R (@BMRideas)
30. Apr, 2013
Great post here, Lolly. This is similar to the problem that happens when you are heads down for too long. You are hyper-focused on the issue at hand. Frustration ensues and progress halts. I’ll confess a funny story that happened a year or so ago…
I was working on my daughter’s tricycle. The seat had become dislodged. I gathered my tools in the driveway, sat down, and got to work. The bolts were in a tight spot, too big for my hands. Once I got the seat off, I made an adjustment and set out to reattach. Then I over-tightened a nut and the bolt snapped. Frustrated, I drove down to the hardware store, bought a bunch of bolts and nuts, and returned to the driveway project.
Off with the seat again, scraped my knuckles again – now I was rushing. Head down, I needed to finish this annoying task. I was super focused and almost done.
When I finally lifted my head to examine my “job well done”, much to my surprise, I had screwed the seat on backwards.
Laughing, I took a picture to remind myself of the lesson:
Focus is good, but don’t forget to look up regularly to see the big picture.
30. Apr, 2013
What a great story.
I am laughing at the computer and I have similar stories in my life.
Thanks for story….
30. Apr, 2013
Thanks Lolly for sharing your thoughts.
Whatever you have expressed is completely true and at time, I have applied the same principle. Its better to take short breaks between our work.
The problem is that it works with us, the people who don’t have a boss but in office or workplace, where you are working under someone the the situation is different.
In workshops it goes fine but its too hard to convince your boss that a short break may ignite the creative juices flowing. I wish that more and more bosses read this informative article. Luckily, I have no boss and so I am free to take breaks and find solution to my problems.
30. Apr, 2013
We can always tell our bosses we need REFLECTIVE TIME.
Instead of saying I need a DISTRACTION.
What do you think?
30. Apr, 2013
Well, we can no doubt say ANYTHING that we like but the real question is Do They Really Listen!
Wayne McEvilly
30. Apr, 2013
Over the fence and out of the park.
You’ve hit another homer with this one.
“Taking a break is good science.” It truly is. And the variations that we can play on that theme approach infinity.
Thank you.
Karin Hurt
30. Apr, 2013
Lolly, I am strong believer in distraction.. it works for teams, and also for me personally. If I get stuck writing, I take a run in the woods, and always come out unstuck… It’s like Monty Python, sometimes we just need “something completey different.”
Susan Bodiker
30. Apr, 2013
Finding creative solutions to business problems/challenges is what I do for a living and my blog is devoted to exploring creativity in all things. Here are some more ideas: http://orionadvert.com/2012/12/10/ways-boost-creativity/
Col Ravi (Retd)
30. Apr, 2013
Thanks a ton for the article. It is so practical to avoid stress and at times Anger, which I feel is nothing but degree of frustration within us.
Martin Haworth PCC (@mphcoach)
30. Apr, 2013
‘Slack’ by Tom DeMarco is a great book that identifies the value that corporations are finding when they give their people time to do not much at all. That’s when the creativity begins…
Agbana Olorunfemi
30. Apr, 2013
This is a great post. Our mind becomes weak from overwork. And a weak mind will always produce a weak result. We need purposeful distraction to recharge our mind.
Thanks for sharing.
Terri Klass
30. Apr, 2013
A wonderful post, Lolly! I am a believer in switching gears when things aren’t working. I try to choose an activity to do that is totally different from what I might be so focused on. Working with groups like you, I too have experienced “roadblocks” which can derail a program. Walking away is a great idea and opens our minds to amazing possibilities that were stuck inside of us. Thanks again!
30. Apr, 2013
Such a good reminder!!! Slow down, step away … the solution will come!
Nancy Settle-Murphy
30. Apr, 2013
Lolly, I read your post after coming in from a long walk with my dog, which I took for the express purpose of getting new ideas for a client workshop I am designing, and to percolate ideas for my next ezine. A one-hour walk to unfurl my mind achieved far more than four hours staring at my screen this morning. Great post! Love the whiffle ball idea, too!
Alan Allard
30. Apr, 2013
Really good insights and advice Lolly. If what we’re doing isn’t working, going at it “harder” or longer isn’t going to work better. Giving my body, subconscious mind and brain a break is me saying “I trust you to work on this without me micro-managing the process or trying to force it.
30. Apr, 2013
How counter-intuitive but also how pragmatic. I love to get someplace I can take a picture or two, enjoy the sun. My mind’s still working the problem — “delegation to the subconscious,” I say.
When we’ve worn things barren on the surface, we need to let go and let a deeper form of intelligence find the way!
Tom Rhodes
30. Apr, 2013
As per the norm, this is a wonderful post. I often find that I come up with my best ideas and solutions when they weren’t my original focus. Often times I analize things to much and don’t just left the heatt and mind flow. They can be a wonderful team when working together and a roadblock when going in different directions. Thank you again for helping me get back on track to Leading from Within.
Dr R.c. Mishra
01. May, 2013
wonderful post
Bill | LeadershipHeartCoaching
01. May, 2013
Hi Lolly,
I live in Silicon Valley and it’s a remarkable sight to go somewhere during the day and see large numbers of individuals taking breaks from their cubicles – out for walks.
Sometimes in groups of 2-3, but many are walking solo. You just know they are out trying to clear their heads. I think it’s an unwritten Silicon Valley secret amongst engineers.
Although I walk too, what has helped me take mental breaks has been a practice of meditation. I found 20 minutes or so in the morning helps center my thoughts throughout the day.
01. May, 2013
“Don’t solve your problems” reflects clarity of your thoughts and smartness of your mind..
Lolly, Your flag may continue to fly high up to sky!
01. May, 2013
GREAT post! Love it! Having been in and out of the war room many times…frustrated…spent…over-focused into a migraine, this was a great read! I’ve found that environment for problem solving needs to be “light” also. A firm I worked with for quite some time had a game room…ping pong table, etc. Those 10 minute breaks are so valuable! Of course…having a whiteboard in the room for those spurts of consciousness helped a great deal also.
Thank you so much for all you do,
05. May, 2013
10 MINUTE breaks are well worth distractions.
02. May, 2013
In heartfelt agreement with you Lolly. My brain is not my own.. I came to understand that many years ago. There is very little capacity for analysis. It is best not to trifle with it too much. Best to feed it the facts, concerns and information and sleep on it. In the morning, or next week or next month it will provide you with a solution, or not. If not, the solution was probably not available. Thank you for the topic. Good to see so many ways of approaching problems.
Carolina Gorosito | Astrolabe
02. May, 2013
Excellent, Lolly! We tend to focus so much sometimes and really lose the point, like an optical illusion.
Thanks for sharing!
Greetings from Argentina.
JoAnn Corley
02. May, 2013
Lolly – so glad you wrote this. I conduct Creative & Innovative thinking workshops across the country – and we learn that solving a problem is by not thinking about it and giving the subconscious mind a chance to “percolate”…. my favorite line, ” We get to work without working! The mind is a marvelous tool, resource and natural computer! – http://www.joanncorley.com/Creativity___Innovation.html
James Strock
03. May, 2013
Terrific post, Lolly. When one steps away from a problem that’s become, for the time, intractable, it can give the subconscious some space to go to work. This may also be seen in the ideas and solutions that arise during and after sleep…..
05. May, 2013
you are right its about the unconscious become unconscious. As you mention its going to sleep and awakening with new solutions.
Thanks for sharing your insight and wisdom.
Jeff Glover
05. May, 2013
Well put Lolly! This concept not only works in the workplace but also translates to the school setting as well. If only more teachers, like bosses, were empowered to disrupt their classrooms and not have to command their classroom to concentrate on test taking ad nauseum. It is well documented that some of the most profound innovative ideas have come while “on a stroll” or after coming back from a mind clearing experience. Thanks for the insight.
05. May, 2013
You are so right Jeff, great ideas do come while strolling and other distractions.
We need to keep talking about these ideas so they catch on.
Jeff Glover
05. May, 2013
Absolutely! Love to keep the conversation going. I think businesses are getting this concept sooner because the understand how it affects their bottom line. Schools, on the other hand, seem to be going in the opposite direction. More tests, which is good for accountability, but less creativity and empowering which is bad for inspiring leaders.
05. May, 2013
What is one small baby step we can do for schools?
07. May, 2013
08. May, 2013
Listening to your heart does not of course mean we should abandon our duties to others
Life is about paradoxes its about receiving and giving.
its about creating balance.
Leading and loving.
22. Jun, 2013
I loved the post. We are much better prepared for life when we are in a state of ease, childlike wonder and anticipation. Whatever life throws at us, we can respond; even if the events come at us like a whiffle ball.
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06. Aug, 2015
Great ideas. I think, however, that the secret doesn’t lie in “go distract yourself” but in “go play.” Playfulness in all it’s many forms is what has advanced humanity in the arts, sciences, design, and much more. We all have too many distractions, few of us have enough play.
25. Sep, 2015
Great strategy! I have found this method to be most effective. I laugh because so many times I have set in meetings that have been null & void…the leader was ineffective because he/she wouldn’t call a “time out.” Needless to say, no timeout and no resolution after 2 hours of discussion. Thank you for sharing.
Marc Zazeela
25. Feb, 2016
Great story. I think some this also has to do with mindful thinking. You can easily get stuck by becoming fixated on what has happened (the past) and equally fixated on the consequences (future).
Your game of wiffle ball, gave everyone a chance to focus on the present, instead. That gives pause in our cycle of negativity and allows us to be more creative and innovative in our problem solving.
Thanks again.